December 18, 2012

Storybeats, Boards, Leica... The Whole Thing!

Here's my entire storyboarding project for the second half of first semester.  This story went through lots of revisions along the way.  Several different people came up with fun ideas for this story to help it along, which is how I found out that storyboarding really is a group effort.  Had it not been for different people's input, I would have settled for simple ideas much more easily instead of trying to come up with more creative/fun ways of telling the story.  Anyway, I'm really starting to ramble, so here's the whole process:

Character Lineup

Story Beats


And finally, the leica reel

I made a few final revisions for the leica reel.  I also added in a gradient sky in each of the panels in order for the white army to read a little more clearly, but it also helped to establish a more overall mood.  I would have loved to add in even a few more fights for the pawn to avoid, but I simply didn't have the time.  Alright, that's all I have for now, hope you enjoy!

December 15, 2012

Caricatures and... Double Layout!

Sorry that it's been a while since I've posted.  First semester just ended yesterday and it was super-busy!  Anyway, I have a ton of things to post, so I'll start with these two assignments.  I already combined character design and layout in my previous post, so why not do it again?

The caricatures were fun to work on.  I kind of began to get into a rhythm as I did more and more of these, and it comes as no surprise that I like my later caricatures more than my earlier ones.  I really hope to do more of these, because it's helping me a lot in terms of character design.  Okay, here we go:

And these are for our final layout assignments.  I choose to do my own environments for this one.  It was fun to work on this, although I did not have as much time to spend on these as I wanted to.  I'm still happy with the way it turned out though.  The last three images are related to one of the first two images.

More final assignments to come soon!

December 04, 2012

Layout or Character Design. No... Both!

Yay!  Another combined post!  So this is both layout and character design.  They were both done a while ago already, but I haven't had the chance to upload them yet, so here goes.

I was not able to get as much rendering done one these as possible, and I even with I had a little bit more time to make certain things stand out a bit more, like the sails of the ship or the characters nearby (alas, a 90% marker has limits).  I had fun with the waves though.  Still not sure if I like them, but I think they're a step in the right direction.  As for the characters... no structure.  Enough said.  Well then, onto character design, shall we?

Oh hey, look!  I forgot to add the eye-lashes on the first pose of the girl!  Oh well, minor issue.  One of these will be used for my character expression animation (most likely the guy).  These were fun to work on, but here too, I wish I had the chance to spend a little bit more time on these.  Deadlines are deadlines though, so this is what I got.  Alrighty, busy last two weeks!